Gathering Client Stories

Is there a thoughtful and ethical way to use client stories in grantwriting? Stacey and Andy have a few thoughts. Also this week, we talk about ways to get past the gatekeeper when a job posting has unreasonable requirements. Keep sending those questions and posting those reviews. We really appreciate it (and read every single one!)

A Better Holiday Party?

Have you just suffered through another boring, uninspiring office holiday party? Well your fellow listeners have a question crafted just for you: Is there a way to make the nonprofit holiday party into something good? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts! Also this week, Stacey answers a question about rules we should be following about board quorum (it’s not as boring as it sounds!) and we find out about all different kinds of financial audits. Thinking of getting us a present? Andy and Stacey asked Santa for questions, reviews and shares. See you in 2024!

Build a Relationship or Ask For Money?

This week we’ve got a new and exciting format for you! Stacey and Andy camped out at a table at the Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits Fall Conference, and used the opportunity to chat with some up-and-coming nonprofit leaders. Join us for a free-flowing conversation (and a few questions, too!)

Does a “Donate Now” Button Trigger State Registrations?

If you have a “Donate Now” button on your website (and since the internet is available everywhere) do you need to do a charitable solicitation registration in every single state in the US? Stacey and Andy have the answer (sorta!) Also this week, Stacey has some opinions about whether or not you should allow board members to take a leave of absence, Andy talks about just how fancy video screens should be in order to prevent triggering angst among your more ascetic staff members, and we answer a perennial favorite: “How do I start a foundation?”

Taking Out a Loan for Fundraising

Is it a good idea to take out a loan to help kickstart a fundraising program? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts! Also this week, we talk about finding a bank that understands how nonprofit organizations work, and what to do if you discover that your organization’s bylaws don’t actually comply with state law. While you’re reading this summary, maybe consider giving us a review to help spread the word (links in the show notes), or even sending a question to!

Keeping the Newsletter out of the Spam Folder

Andy would never turn down a well-made Spam Musubi, but he and Stacey have some tough love for newsletters that are hitting the junk folder. Also this week, we field a question from a programs person who wants to go for the CEO job — is it possible or advisable? And finally, what happens when you’re a board member who’s friends with the Executive Director, and that Executive Director turns out to be not very good at her job? Stacey and Andy definitely have some thoughts! Thanks for listening, and be sure to send your questions to!

Should We Accept Dirty Money?

Thanks for joining us for another episode of Nonprofit Everything! We’ve got just two questions, but one of them is *significant*. This week, Stacey and Andy try to discuss the impact of accepting donations from ethically challenging sources. It’s a rough topic, and we would love to get your opinions on it, too! Also, Andy tackles another perpetual complaint: “Omigosh-this-audit-is-so-expensive-and-time-consuming-why-do-we-have-to-do-it-again-and-again-every-year?!?” Five points to Ravenclaw for guessing Andy’s answer.

What Should Nonprofits Know About AI?

Do not miss this episode! This week, Stacey talks to guest expert and nonprofit guru Beth Kanter about what AI means for our organizations. Even though there’s just one question this week, Beth and Stacey covered a lot:

  • Is this really going to affect us?
  • Is it just a cheap replacement for staff?
  • What benefits, if any, will nonprofits see?
  • Can we just avoid it if we want to?
  • What are the risks and potential pitfalls of relying on LLMs?