Board and Staff Don't Trust Each Other - Nonprofit Everything

Board and Staff Don’t Trust Each Other

Is it possible to get volunteers to pay you for the privilege of volunteering? Stacey has some opinions! Also this week, we tackle a really ugly scenario where the board and staff don’t trust each other, and Andy gets to completely geek out on negotiating indirect cost rates on federal grant agreements. If that’s not your cup of tea, it was a really windy day when we were recording this, so if the questions aren’t interesting at least you can enjoy the manic windchimes in the background.

Running a Nonprofit More Like a Business

Is it possible to refrain from physical violence when the words “run it more like a business” fall out of the mouth of a board member? Probably not, but Stacey and Andy have some coping strategies. Also this week, we talk about how to keep the energy of a good mission, vision and values discussion, and finally, now that you’re receiving federal grant money is it time to hire a grant accountant?

Should we be applying for Federal Grants?

There’s just one question this week, but it’s an important one. Guest expert Miles Dickson of Nevada GrantLab joins us to talk about why Nevada nonprofits should be seeking out and applying for federal grants.


Save the Date! The Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits 2021 Conference will be held at The Center on October 14-15 in Las Vegas. Click for more information or to register!