Founding Executive Director is Resistant to Change

We’ve got a really nice balance of questions this week! Is it possible to get a founding executive director to embrace change? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts on that! Also this week, we brainstorm about how to get new people to come to the same old gala, and talk through a couple of options when your revenue comes in all in the same month. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send any and all nonprofit questions to!

Buying Mailing Lists

Should we be buying mailing lists to expand our reach, or is that a tactic from the olden days? Stacey and Andy certainly have some thoughts! Also this week, we talk about how strict to be when using the words “evidence based program” (in that exact order) and disagree strongly on the utility of exit interviews. We’re awarding ten points if you can guess which one of us thinks they’re a waste of time. We’re thankful that you’ve chosen to spend time with us today, and don’t forget to send your questions to

Nonprofit Everything - Episode 144 - Who Gets the Credit Card Points?

Who Gets the Credit Card Points?

It’s podcast day! Why on earth would an organization use the longer, more expensive, more complicated, more time consuming Form 1023 to form a new nonprofit organization when the 1023-EZ is available? We have a few thoughts. Also this week, Stacey has some great tips to help you fundraise for a vehicle, and Andy wants you to re-think credit cards that earn points (probably a hard sell.) Thanks for joining us, and don’t forget to rate the podcast on your provider of choice and send us questions to!

Taking Out a Loan for Fundraising

Is it a good idea to take out a loan to help kickstart a fundraising program? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts! Also this week, we talk about finding a bank that understands how nonprofit organizations work, and what to do if you discover that your organization’s bylaws don’t actually comply with state law. While you’re reading this summary, maybe consider giving us a review to help spread the word (links in the show notes), or even sending a question to!

Engaging Your Board In Fundraising

The staff *hates* the ED but the Board *loves* the ED. Is this problem solvable? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, what’s the best way to get your board engaged in important tasks like fundraising and strategic planning? Join us for another episode of Nonprofit Everything, and be sure to send us your questions!

Fundraising from Friends and Family

Fundraising from Friends and Family

Hi! It’s the Nonprofit Everything Podcast calling! This week, Stacey has some thoughts about why your friends might be ghosting you when you’re asking them for a contribution. Is your finance committee asking inappropriate questions? Andy can help. And finally, how quickly should you fire someone who engages in unethical behavior at your nonprofit? We’ve definitely got ideas on that. Join us this week, and don’t forget to send us your nonprofit questions for next week!

Avoiding Founder's Syndrome

Avoiding Founder’s Syndrome

Every once in a while we get a question that just warms our little hearts. And this week, a new nonprofit is already thinking about avoiding founder’s syndrome! Also, we talk about whether or not passthrough grants are allowed to be anonymous, and Stacey has some thoughts about how to avoid going after grants you really shouldn’t be going after.

Growing Program Staff into Fundraisers?

Since it can be hard to find development staff, does it make sense to try to convert program staff into fundraisers? Stacey has some thoughts! Also this week, we find out if there are different rules when raising money for a private operating foundation, and what core activities a nonprofit should stick to when facing an economic downturn.

Setting Goals for a New Development Person

Ah, the age-old question — how do we set development goals when we’ve never had a development person before? Believe it or not, Stacey and Andy have some ideas! Also this week, we talk about how to handle naming rights when you’re renovating a building that already has a name. Finally, we tackle a particularly sensitive question that, frankly, is going to be a little uncomfortable for everybody. Sounds fun, right?

Designing a Mission Statement

Our mission statement process is awful! Should we get help? (Nah, Stacey has some tips.) Also, this week we discuss whether a give/get policy will prevent you from getting an effective board, and Andy and Stacey go way off topic answering how to best fundraise for a new Executive Director position.