Should Staff Have a Voice in Hiring the New Executive Director?

Doesn’t it seem weird that the people most affected by a change in leadership are the ones with no say in the matter? Stacey and Andy seem to think so. Also this week, Stacey has some ideas about how to use storytelling in your appeals when you’re too new to have actual stories. Finally, Andy gets completely triggered by what could have been a simple math question, but instead turns into a history lesson about internal controls. (It’s better than it sounds.) Join us!

Setting Goals for a New Development Person

Ah, the age-old question — how do we set development goals when we’ve never had a development person before? Believe it or not, Stacey and Andy have some ideas! Also this week, we talk about how to handle naming rights when you’re renovating a building that already has a name. Finally, we tackle a particularly sensitive question that, frankly, is going to be a little uncomfortable for everybody. Sounds fun, right?

New Manager is Too Quiet!

What are some board status quo things that need to change? Stacey has some ideas! Also, we have some strategies for helping a new manager that’s too quiet. Andy has thoughts on what financial policies are required, and we’ve included an encore answer (from June 2020) by Guest Expert John Waldron!

  • What should we do to shake up a static board?
  • How do I handle a new manager that won’t speak up?
  • What financial policies should we have in place?
  • Taking a stand on social justice issues, with Guest Expert John Waldron (Encore!)