Can the Executive Director Veto a Board Nomination?

If better boards can prevent nonprofit failures, would it be smart to require boards to take governance training? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about an executive director’s responsibility to prevent a bad board member nomination, and have both a short and a long answer to a question about founders. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send your questions to

When is a Sponsorship a Donation?

Is there some magic language we can use to magically make a sponsorship tax deductible? Andy and Stacey have some thoughts. Also this week, we find out how to see who’s sharing your nonprofit mission and why its important, and try not to get buried in accounting speak when discussing split-interest agreements! Thanks for joining us, and don’t forget to send any and all questions to

Emeritus Boards

Is there some use for emeritus boards? Stacey and Andy have thoughts! Also this week, a new nonprofit wonders what kind on insurance coverage they should have, we find out how to determine when a contribution should be officially received, and discuss how frequently a board chair should meet with the executive director (is quadrennially too often?) Thanks for joining us this week, and be sure to send your nonprofit questions to!

Boring Meetings

Are your staff meetings snoozers? One of our listeners has this challenge and Stacey and Andy are here to help! (Can we make them more dangerous — like with fire?) Also this week, we discuss the historical antecedents of hierarchical organizational charts, and chat about the pros and cons of giving refunds for program events. Do you have questions? Send them to us at

Cancel our Capital Campaign?

When a long-time donor changes priorities and it puts the capital campaign in jeopardy is there anything you can do? Stacey and Andy have some ideas. Also this week, what’s the best way to deal with some good old-fashioned nonprofit competition (other than a dance-off?) And finally, are we going to hurt the executive director’s feelings if we let him know that some volunteers have scored him poorly on his review? Join us this week and find out! As always, questions are welcome — the more complicated the better!

Theory of Change

It’s homework help time with Stacey and Andy! Is there a good definition of Theory of Change? We have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about auditors that seem to be asking weird questions. Is it okay to push back on financial audit requests, or is that a terrible idea. Thanks for joining us, and don’t forget to send in those questions!

Selling T-Shirts

This might be the most confusingly titled episode yet! No, there aren’t Nonprofit Everything t-shirts. But what happens when the marketing team decides to just open up a little shop on to sell logo branded stuff?* Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, is it time to reevaluate our employee time-off policies? Thanks for joining us this week, and please share, review, and send us questions!

Gathering Client Stories

Is there a thoughtful and ethical way to use client stories in grantwriting? Stacey and Andy have a few thoughts. Also this week, we talk about ways to get past the gatekeeper when a job posting has unreasonable requirements. Keep sending those questions and posting those reviews. We really appreciate it (and read every single one!)

Do we need a “one-pager”?

What should you do when the executive director assigns you a vague task with no clear purpose? Unsurprisingly, Stacey and Andy get philosophical on this one: is it busywork, or could it be a career-defining moment? Also this week, we find out if it’s useful to chase after board members from a particular industry. Thanks for joining us again in 2024, and please keep sending those questions (and reviews are nice, too)!