Emeritus Boards

Is there some use for emeritus boards? Stacey and Andy have thoughts! Also this week, a new nonprofit wonders what kind on insurance coverage they should have, we find out how to determine when a contribution should be officially received, and discuss how frequently a board chair should meet with the executive director (is quadrennially too often?) Thanks for joining us this week, and be sure to send your nonprofit questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com!

  • Do we have appropriate insurance coverage? – skip to this question
  • I heard at a workshop that EDs and board chairs should meet weekly. Really? – skip to this question
  • If we record grants in the year we receive them, it makes my P&L look weird. Is there a better way to do this? – skip to this question
  • What’s the purpose of an emeritus board? – skip to this question
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