Why even be a nonprofit?

Isn’t it a huge waste of effort to be a nonprofit once you consider the compliance, reporting and donor rules? For an organization just starting out, couldn’t we serve our mission more efficiently if we didn’t have to bother with all that? Stacey and Andy definitely have some thoughts on this! Also this week, we talk about whether Event Planners are important when designing a fundraising event, and find out how to deal with a board member who has gone MIA. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

Converting from All Volunteer Run

If you’ve spent years proudly telling donors that you’re all volunteer run, is it even possible to hire paid staff when you need to level up? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about the possibility and consequences of failing the Form 990’s “Public Support Test,” and Stacey shares some ideas to help celebrate an organization’s tenth anniversary (while Andy wisely stays silent). Thanks for being a loyal listener/nonprofit rockstar, and keep those questions and comments coming. Next week the theme is “things I wish my board would ask me” so warm up your typing fingers and send us stuff at questions@nonprofiteverything.com.

Political Candidates and Events – with Guest Expert April Mastroluca

It’s guest expert time! This week, Stacey is joined by April Mastroluca, Chief Solution Finder at Synergy Nonprofit Consulting to talk about the convergence of political campaign season and gala event season. Are there rules about ads in programs? Should we recognize elected officials and candidates who attend our events? What should we do if a candidate antagonistic to our mission wants to attend an event? Should we ever provide complimentary tickets to elected officials? That’s a lot of questions, but the podcast is even better when you send yours to us: questions@nonprofiteverything.com. Thanks for listening! (And don’t miss the show notes this week. They’re jam packed with good infromation!)

Is this UBI?

When a funder asks for a single number for the “budget”, what exactly do they want? We have some thoughts! Also, this week we turn a question about red flags to watch out for when considering an ED position into an excuse to complain about things! Finally, if you’re having trouble sleeping, Stacey and Andy have just the IRS publication for you!

Hosting a Fundraiser in a Different State

You think your nonprofit is a mess? Wait until you hear this question — while it masquerades as a technical query about verbal resignations and bylaws, it gets weird fast! Also this week, Stacey and Andy share some thoughts about fundraising in a different state than the one you’re incorporated in, and we find out whether or not you are allowed to raise money before you actually get your determination letter back from the IRS.

Nonprofit or Benefit Corporation?

Should the Executive Director be on the Nominating Committee? Stacey knows! Also this week, Andy gets called out for being wrong about determination letters, and we find out all about Benefit Corporations and Certified B Corps.

  • Should the Executive Director be on the nominating committee? – 0:00
  • Does the IRS still send determination letters? – 6:52
  • Is a Benefit Corporation a good option for do gooders? – 12:41
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by the Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits job board Your one-stop shop for the next step in your career! Searching job listings is totally free, and ANN members receive a big discount when posting new jobs. There are dozens of nonprofit jobs available right here in Nevada (and out of state jobs, too!) Check it out at jobs.alliancefornevadanonprofits.com.

If this is an emergency, call 911

This week Stacey and Andy discuss whether a board members need organizational email addresses and we talk about what to do when your board treasurer resigns. Finally, Stacey asks guest expert Jessica Sayles from Houldsworth Russo how to value a sponsor’s banner at an event (as well as several other accounting questions that have been disturbing her sleep!)

  • Should our Board Members have organizational email addresses? [skipto time="0:00"]
  • How do we value a sponsor’s banner at an event? With Jessica Sayles from Houldsworth Russo – [skipto time="7:12"]
  • Help! Our treasurer resigned! – [skipto time="25:10"]
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.

How to Auction a Horse

This week, we’re tackling the most frequently asked nonprofit questions, like the old familiar one, “how do you auction a horse?” We find out whether or not you need to file a form 990 if you have no assets or revenue, whether it’s kosher for nonprofits to pay bonuses, and how to deal with the worst possible silent auction donation items. Stacey and Andy dispense even more career advice (this is starting to become a theme), and answer the age old question, “if a tree falls in the forest, will the IRS hear it.”