Avoiding Negative News Stories

How do you keep from being the subject of a negative news story? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about what a better set of nonprofit financial statements looks like. Thanks for joining us this week (and this entire year!), and please send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

All Finance Questions Special

If you always skip the finance and accounting questions, maybe take a couple of weeks off! This week, Stacey talks with guest expert Jessica Sayles, CPA, Managing Principal at HRC about reporting in-kind donations on the Form 990, and Andy is of the shocking opinion that the internet is not a good place to learn nonprofit accounting. Finally, we reach all the way back to Episode 13 to answer a question about projecting cash flow.

  • What are some good resources for an ED to learn basic nonprofit finance?
  • Do we report in-kind services on the Form 990? With guest expert Jessica Sayles of HRC
  • (Re-broadcast) How do you do a cash flow forecast?

Save the Date! The Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits 2021 Conference will be held at The Center on October 14-15 in Las Vegas. Stay tuned for additional details!

Let’s Call Everybody “Volunteer”

What happens when you just need $75,000 more? Stacey knows. Returning genius and HR expert Mary Beth Hartleb tells us whether there’s such a thing as a verbal resignation, and we answer the age-old question, “Do we need an Executive Director or a CEO?”

  • Help! We’re $25,000 short! – 0:00
  • Is there such a thing as a “verbal resignation?” With Mary Beth Hartleb from Prism GMG – 8:18
  • Should our top executive be an Executive Director or CEO? – 26:03
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.

Promote All the Volunteer Coordinators

Ah, the double-edged sword of government grants. This week, Andy remembers he has to pay his car insurance, we talk about how to assemble a cash flow projection, Stacey gives some great tips on how to get silent auction items, and we find out whether or not you can put a slow-moving organization’s 501(c)3 on pause. Also, we tackle the ever thorny problem of just where to stick the Volunteer Department.