Avoiding Negative News Stories

How do you keep from being the subject of a negative news story? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about what a better set of nonprofit financial statements looks like. Thanks for joining us this week (and this entire year!), and please send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

Drunk at the Gala

This week, we find out if you can send a donor to collection for failing to honor a pledge, and Stacey has some great advice about attending a donor’s funeral. We also attempt to clear up the confusion between Trustees and Directors, and tap guest expert Karen Durkin, Executive Coach at Houldsworth, Russo & Company to answer a really hard question about how to keep staff from freaking out after an executive gets the axe.

  • Enforceable Pledges
  • Attending a Donor’s Funeral
  • Trustees vs. Directors
  • Handling a High-Profile Firing/Departure, with Karen Durkin