Distilling Impact for Social Media

What’s the best way to condense the massive impact our organization has into a easily digested social media clip? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts! Also this week, we (kinda) talk about how to find an easy to use accounting package for nonprofit organizations and dig into an uncomfortable story about a board overreacting to a personnel issue. Thanks for joining us this week, and please take the time to send us any and all questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com. By the way, the show notes have good stuff this week, too.

Do we need a “one-pager”?

What should you do when the executive director assigns you a vague task with no clear purpose? Unsurprisingly, Stacey and Andy get philosophical on this one: is it busywork, or could it be a career-defining moment? Also this week, we find out if it’s useful to chase after board members from a particular industry. Thanks for joining us again in 2024, and please keep sending those questions (and reviews are nice, too)!

Keeping the Newsletter out of the Spam Folder

Andy would never turn down a well-made Spam Musubi, but he and Stacey have some tough love for newsletters that are hitting the junk folder. Also this week, we field a question from a programs person who wants to go for the CEO job — is it possible or advisable? And finally, what happens when you’re a board member who’s friends with the Executive Director, and that Executive Director turns out to be not very good at her job? Stacey and Andy definitely have some thoughts! Thanks for listening, and be sure to send your questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com!

Board Member Wants the ED to Record a Political Campaign Message

It’s bad board member behavior week here at the Nonprofit Everything podcast! What should we do if a board member wants our ED to record a message talking about what a great board member they are (and oh, by the way, they’re running for office)? And how do you talk a board member out of their own program ideas? We have opinions! Also, Stacey and Andy talk about whether to market to constituents or donors first.

  • Should an ED record a campaign ad for a board member running for office? – 0:00
  • Help! A board member is fixated on starting a new program! – 8:57
  • Should we be marketing to constituents or donors? – 17:40

Board Member Insulting Nonprofit Workers

How do you handle a board member that thinks that people work for nonprofits because they can’t hack it in the “real world?” This one makes Stacey use her angry voice. Also, a listener asks if we think starting a podcast is a good idea, and Andy takes far too long explaining the differences between various flavors of financial audit.

  • What to do about a board member that insults nonprofit workers? – 0:00
  • Should we start a mission-related podcast? – 9:08
  • Is it time to get a financial audit? Which kind? – 17:42
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s Nonprofit Everything podcast is sponsored by The LGBTQ Community Center of Southern Nevada, best known as The Center. For more than 25 years, The Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated LGBTQIA+ individuals and those who are underserved in Nevada. The Center is a haven for all, welcoming and celebrating the diversity of our communities and helping empower people to live authentic lives. See thecenterlv.org for more information.

Marketing vs. Development – FIGHT!

In this episode, we find out how to determine the appropriate size of a board of directors, why “advisory board” makes both Andy and Stacey grumpy, and how to create a cohesive marketing/fundraising team. And Stacey gives some really good advice about why you shouldn’t change your nonprofit’s name to include the word “foundation.” We also give a young nonprofit executive some career advice and salary negotiation tips!