Not My Fault!

One of our vehicles got stolen – how do we tell our donors? Stacey has an idea. This week we tackle the classic question “Do pledges count against our fundraising budget?” Stacey and Andy have differing views on the importance of dressing for a job interview (btw, Andy’s probably wrong), and we offer the 2019 version of silent auction dos and don’ts!

  • Crafting messaging around a stolen vehicle – 0:00
  • Counting pledges against the budget – 8:33
  • Silent auction tips, 2019 version – 18:39
  • Job interview attire – 24:48
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.

Fundraising in a World of Science

Don’t you hate it when the Executive Director is dating a Board Member? Stacey and Andy do. This week, we also find out whether or not an annual report is still required, and hear some amazing end-of-year fundraising tips from expert fundraiser Clay Buck.

Supercharge Your Fundraising with Paint

Happy July! This week we learn how many board meetings is too many, the fundraising value of carpet, and how to not be the person responsible for providing coffee for the entire board every month. Stacey rants about committee members, Andy rants about broken spreadsheets, and one of our listeners rants about their board chair.

Marketing vs. Development – FIGHT!

In this episode, we find out how to determine the appropriate size of a board of directors, why “advisory board” makes both Andy and Stacey grumpy, and how to create a cohesive marketing/fundraising team. And Stacey gives some really good advice about why you shouldn’t change your nonprofit’s name to include the word “foundation.” We also give a young nonprofit executive some career advice and salary negotiation tips!