Fundraising from Friends and Family

Fundraising from Friends and Family

Hi! It’s the Nonprofit Everything Podcast calling! This week, Stacey has some thoughts about why your friends might be ghosting you when you’re asking them for a contribution. Is your finance committee asking inappropriate questions? Andy can help. And finally, how quickly should you fire someone who engages in unethical behavior at your nonprofit? We’ve definitely got ideas on that. Join us this week, and don’t forget to send us your nonprofit questions for next week!

Avoiding Founder's Syndrome

Avoiding Founder’s Syndrome

Every once in a while we get a question that just warms our little hearts. And this week, a new nonprofit is already thinking about avoiding founder’s syndrome! Also, we talk about whether or not passthrough grants are allowed to be anonymous, and Stacey has some thoughts about how to avoid going after grants you really shouldn’t be going after.

Growing Program Staff into Fundraisers?

Since it can be hard to find development staff, does it make sense to try to convert program staff into fundraisers? Stacey has some thoughts! Also this week, we find out if there are different rules when raising money for a private operating foundation, and what core activities a nonprofit should stick to when facing an economic downturn.

Setting Goals for a New Development Person

Ah, the age-old question — how do we set development goals when we’ve never had a development person before? Believe it or not, Stacey and Andy have some ideas! Also this week, we talk about how to handle naming rights when you’re renovating a building that already has a name. Finally, we tackle a particularly sensitive question that, frankly, is going to be a little uncomfortable for everybody. Sounds fun, right?

Designing a Mission Statement

Our mission statement process is awful! Should we get help? (Nah, Stacey has some tips.) Also, this week we discuss whether a give/get policy will prevent you from getting an effective board, and Andy and Stacey go way off topic answering how to best fundraise for a new Executive Director position.

What Does Our Fundraising Staff Do?

What should other staff know about the development function? A lot! Also, this week, Stacey and Andy tackle a topical question about the appropriate way to express sympathy for a death in a donor’s family.

  • What does our fundraising staff do? – 0:00
  • What’s the appropriate way to express condolences to a donor? – 14:41
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by you, our listeners! Thanks! Is there something we can answer for you, or do you have a suggestion? Let us know at our new phone number: +1 (702) 900-4656.

The Threat Section of the SWOT Analysis

Do you *really* have to sign every single thank you note? Is it a bad idea to loan your organization money? And finally, with the zombie apocalypse upon us, is it time to rethink the threats section of the strategic plan’s SWOT analysis? Stacey and Andy have opinions!

  • Should I loan my organization money? – 0:00
  • Rethinking the “Threats” section of a SWOT Analysis – 9:29
  • Do I need to personally sign every thank you note? – 22:53
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Immunize Nevada. Arm yourself by getting your annual flu vaccine. It protects you, your family, and those working on the front lines. Do your part. Get your flu vaccine by Nevada Day. Visit for more information and to find free and low-cost clinics.

Greatest Hits?

It’s the greatest hits(?) episode! Here are a handful of our favorite questions from the archive. Fee for service? Cancelling a program? When the passion is gone? Cash reserves? And more!

  • Fee for service – 0:00
  • Cancel Programs – 4:56
  • When the passion for your cause is gone – 9:02
  • Cash Reserves – 16:03
  • We just need 25k more! – 24:00
  • Putting your Nonprofit on Pause – 29:31
  • Burnout from psychically heavy work – 35:42
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by the Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits job board. Your one-stop shop for the next step in your career! Searching job listings is totally free, and ANN members receive a big discount when posting new jobs. There are dozens of nonprofit jobs available right here in Nevada (and out of state jobs, too!) Check it out at

ANN Membership is $75 off

Seriously, join ANN right now while it’s half off. This week Stacey and Andy answer three Nonprofit 101 questions. We find out whether or not nonprofits can actually make a profit, Stacey shares the best way for a new nonprofit to start fundraising, and Andy completely misses the point and gets all the way into the weeds with an accounting question. Also, join ANN now!

  • Can a nonprofit make a profit? – 0:00
  • What does everybody else need to know about accounting and finance? – 6:00
  • How should a small nonprofit raise money? – 22:50
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.