Corporate Volunteering

We get a lot of requests for one-day corporate volunteering projects, but they take so much effort. How do we make these worth our time? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts! Also this week, we talk about how to manage a founder who has retired to the board, how to politely decline gifts that we shouldn’t accept, and whether or not it’s a good idea to hire in an executive director from outside the community. Thanks for joining us this week, and be sure to send your questions to

Founding Executive Director is Resistant to Change

We’ve got a really nice balance of questions this week! Is it possible to get a founding executive director to embrace change? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts on that! Also this week, we brainstorm about how to get new people to come to the same old gala, and talk through a couple of options when your revenue comes in all in the same month. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send any and all nonprofit questions to!

Expanding Your Corps of Volunteers

Should the executive director select their own replacement? Andy and Stacey certainly have some thoughts on that topic! Also this week, an organization needs help attracting new and different volunteers, and we discuss whether a nonprofit should set up a for-profit subsidiary. Thanks for joining us this week! Don’t forget to check out the show notes at, and be sure to send us your nonprofit questions at

Can the Executive Director Veto a Board Nomination?

If better boards can prevent nonprofit failures, would it be smart to require boards to take governance training? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about an executive director’s responsibility to prevent a bad board member nomination, and have both a short and a long answer to a question about founders. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send your questions to

Emeritus Boards

Is there some use for emeritus boards? Stacey and Andy have thoughts! Also this week, a new nonprofit wonders what kind on insurance coverage they should have, we find out how to determine when a contribution should be officially received, and discuss how frequently a board chair should meet with the executive director (is quadrennially too often?) Thanks for joining us this week, and be sure to send your nonprofit questions to!

Cancel our Capital Campaign?

When a long-time donor changes priorities and it puts the capital campaign in jeopardy is there anything you can do? Stacey and Andy have some ideas. Also this week, what’s the best way to deal with some good old-fashioned nonprofit competition (other than a dance-off?) And finally, are we going to hurt the executive director’s feelings if we let him know that some volunteers have scored him poorly on his review? Join us this week and find out! As always, questions are welcome — the more complicated the better!

Keeping the Newsletter out of the Spam Folder

Andy would never turn down a well-made Spam Musubi, but he and Stacey have some tough love for newsletters that are hitting the junk folder. Also this week, we field a question from a programs person who wants to go for the CEO job — is it possible or advisable? And finally, what happens when you’re a board member who’s friends with the Executive Director, and that Executive Director turns out to be not very good at her job? Stacey and Andy definitely have some thoughts! Thanks for listening, and be sure to send your questions to!

Who Really Takes the Minutes?

We know that technically the Board Secretary is responsible for the minutes, but I *really* don’t want to. Can’t we just delegate that to staff? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts! Also this week, a question we have never heard before – Should tour guides at nonprofit cultural institutions get to keep their tips? Finally, we get into a deep and fascinating discussion about the possibilities of the Co-Executive Director model (not to be confused with co-eds who might be doing a little modeling on the side.)

Should Staff Have a Voice in Hiring the New Executive Director?

Doesn’t it seem weird that the people most affected by a change in leadership are the ones with no say in the matter? Stacey and Andy seem to think so. Also this week, Stacey has some ideas about how to use storytelling in your appeals when you’re too new to have actual stories. Finally, Andy gets completely triggered by what could have been a simple math question, but instead turns into a history lesson about internal controls. (It’s better than it sounds.) Join us!

Is this UBI?

When a funder asks for a single number for the “budget”, what exactly do they want? We have some thoughts! Also, this week we turn a question about red flags to watch out for when considering an ED position into an excuse to complain about things! Finally, if you’re having trouble sleeping, Stacey and Andy have just the IRS publication for you!