Why even be a nonprofit?

Isn’t it a huge waste of effort to be a nonprofit once you consider the compliance, reporting and donor rules? For an organization just starting out, couldn’t we serve our mission more efficiently if we didn’t have to bother with all that? Stacey and Andy definitely have some thoughts on this! Also this week, we talk about whether Event Planners are important when designing a fundraising event, and find out how to deal with a board member who has gone MIA. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

What does a new board need to know?

Are there things we need to know when bringing in our first ever board? Stacey has thoughts. Also this week, we talk about internal controls for an organization with one staff member, and whether or not to submit a report for a grant that doesn’t actually require one. And finally, Andy gets tricked into answering a question about gala auctioneers. Thanks for joining us this week, and please send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

Founding Executive Director is Resistant to Change

We’ve got a really nice balance of questions this week! Is it possible to get a founding executive director to embrace change? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts on that! Also this week, we brainstorm about how to get new people to come to the same old gala, and talk through a couple of options when your revenue comes in all in the same month. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send any and all nonprofit questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com!

Political Candidates and Events – with Guest Expert April Mastroluca

It’s guest expert time! This week, Stacey is joined by April Mastroluca, Chief Solution Finder at Synergy Nonprofit Consulting to talk about the convergence of political campaign season and gala event season. Are there rules about ads in programs? Should we recognize elected officials and candidates who attend our events? What should we do if a candidate antagonistic to our mission wants to attend an event? Should we ever provide complimentary tickets to elected officials? That’s a lot of questions, but the podcast is even better when you send yours to us: questions@nonprofiteverything.com. Thanks for listening! (And don’t miss the show notes this week. They’re jam packed with good infromation!)

Boring Meetings

Are your staff meetings snoozers? One of our listeners has this challenge and Stacey and Andy are here to help! (Can we make them more dangerous — like with fire?) Also this week, we discuss the historical antecedents of hierarchical organizational charts, and chat about the pros and cons of giving refunds for program events. Do you have questions? Send them to us at questions@nonprofiteverything.com.

Preparing for a Tough Foundation Tour

How do you prepare for Foundation staff coming to tour your facility, especially when they’ve been known to ask really tough questions? Stacey has some ideas! Also on the theme of preparing, we have some thoughts on the best way to be ready to take the leap into leadership of your organization. Finally, there’s an oddly specific question about the difference between for-profit corporate events and nonprofit fundraising ones.

If this is an emergency, call 911

This week Stacey and Andy discuss whether a board members need organizational email addresses and we talk about what to do when your board treasurer resigns. Finally, Stacey asks guest expert Jessica Sayles from Houldsworth Russo how to value a sponsor’s banner at an event (as well as several other accounting questions that have been disturbing her sleep!)

  • Should our Board Members have organizational email addresses? [skipto time="0:00"]
  • How do we value a sponsor’s banner at an event? With Jessica Sayles from Houldsworth Russo – [skipto time="7:12"]
  • Help! Our treasurer resigned! – [skipto time="25:10"]
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.

Put a Label Over It

This week is jam packed! How do you find companies who match their employee’s gifts? Andy shares a secret! We get advice on how to respond to another organization that really loved your event and wants to copy it, whether or not you should change your nonprofit’s name, and whether or not you can invest your reserve fund. Also, Stacey has tips on what to do if you keep losing new board members, and we find out who exactly can approve a financial report.

  • Who matches gifts?
  • Someone wants to copy our event!
  • Should we change our name?
  • Can we invest our reserve fund?
  • We keep losing new board members!
  • Who can approve the financial report?
  • Episode Sponsor:

    Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.

ANN Membership is $75 off

Seriously, join ANN right now while it’s half off. This week Stacey and Andy answer three Nonprofit 101 questions. We find out whether or not nonprofits can actually make a profit, Stacey shares the best way for a new nonprofit to start fundraising, and Andy completely misses the point and gets all the way into the weeds with an accounting question. Also, join ANN now!

  • Can a nonprofit make a profit? – 0:00
  • What does everybody else need to know about accounting and finance? – 6:00
  • How should a small nonprofit raise money? – 22:50
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.