Are Ratings Agencies Important?

Is there really a difference between getting five stars and four stars with a ratings agency? We have opinions! Also, this week Andy has some thoughts on how to manage a check approval process in a tiny organization, and Stacey knows what to do when people keep connecting you to other people via email.

  • How do I best follow up when being connected to someone else via email? – 0:00
  • What check approval process should we use for a tiny organization (that doesn’t include the board)? – 3:33
  • How important are the ratings agencies? Is there really a difference between four and five stars? – 12:41

Save the Date! The Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits 2021 Conference will be held at The Center on October 14-15 in Las Vegas. Stay tuned for additional details!

The Board Chair Wants to be CCd on Every Email!

Should we write a MOU or a renter’s contract for use of our space? We have opinions! Also, this week Stacey has some thoughts about dealing with a board chair who wants to be CCd on all the ED’s emails, and we share some tips on starting a scholarship program.

  • Help! The board chair wants to be CCd on every email! – 0:00
  • Should we use an MOU or a renter’s contract if we’re renting space to another nonprofit? – 5:13
  • Any best practices for adding a scholarship program? – 18:49

Save the Date! The Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits 2021 Conference will be held at The Center on October 14-15 in Las Vegas. Stay tuned for additional details!

If this is an emergency, call 911

This week Stacey and Andy discuss whether a board members need organizational email addresses and we talk about what to do when your board treasurer resigns. Finally, Stacey asks guest expert Jessica Sayles from Houldsworth Russo how to value a sponsor’s banner at an event (as well as several other accounting questions that have been disturbing her sleep!)

  • Should our Board Members have organizational email addresses? [skipto time="0:00"]
  • How do we value a sponsor’s banner at an event? With Jessica Sayles from Houldsworth Russo – [skipto time="7:12"]
  • Help! Our treasurer resigned! – [skipto time="25:10"]
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Brenda J. Stout, CPA, a full-service accounting firm specializing in Nonprofit Tax Compliance and IRS Problem Resolution.