Why even be a nonprofit?

Isn’t it a huge waste of effort to be a nonprofit once you consider the compliance, reporting and donor rules? For an organization just starting out, couldn’t we serve our mission more efficiently if we didn’t have to bother with all that? Stacey and Andy definitely have some thoughts on this! Also this week, we talk about whether Event Planners are important when designing a fundraising event, and find out how to deal with a board member who has gone MIA. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

Attracting Younger Board Members

How do we attract and retain younger board members? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about how to engage with new pro sports teams (or any new companies) coming to your town. And finally, we share some tips for making sure you don’t have a bad experience when working with a consultant. Thanks for joining us this week, and please send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

Politics and Nonprofits

Politics and Nonprofits

This week Stacey and Andy delve into the Nonprofit Everything archive to bring you a thematically consistent series of previously aired questions. Which is a fancy way of saying “Hey! It’s a clip show!” From episode 79, we talk about how to handle a board member that’s publicly off mission. From episode 103, we hear from a nonprofit with a board member in the newspaper for the wrong reasons. From episode 89, a board member asks the ED to record a campaign ad for her. Thanks for joining us this week, and please send your questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com.

Can the Executive Director Veto a Board Nomination?

If better boards can prevent nonprofit failures, would it be smart to require boards to take governance training? Stacey and Andy have some thoughts. Also this week, we talk about an executive director’s responsibility to prevent a bad board member nomination, and have both a short and a long answer to a question about founders. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send your questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com.

Gathering Client Stories

Is there a thoughtful and ethical way to use client stories in grantwriting? Stacey and Andy have a few thoughts. Also this week, we talk about ways to get past the gatekeeper when a job posting has unreasonable requirements. Keep sending those questions and posting those reviews. We really appreciate it (and read every single one!)

Do we need a “one-pager”?

What should you do when the executive director assigns you a vague task with no clear purpose? Unsurprisingly, Stacey and Andy get philosophical on this one: is it busywork, or could it be a career-defining moment? Also this week, we find out if it’s useful to chase after board members from a particular industry. Thanks for joining us again in 2024, and please keep sending those questions (and reviews are nice, too)!

Running a Nonprofit More Like a Business

Is it possible to refrain from physical violence when the words “run it more like a business” fall out of the mouth of a board member? Probably not, but Stacey and Andy have some coping strategies. Also this week, we talk about how to keep the energy of a good mission, vision and values discussion, and finally, now that you’re receiving federal grant money is it time to hire a grant accountant?

Lobbying and Advocacy with Guest Expert April Mastroluca

This week, Guest Expert April Mastroluca sets the record straight on lobbying and advocacy! Plus, what should an ED do if a board member recommends a job candidate you’re not thrilled about? We have opinions! And Stacey and Andy have some thoughts on how (and whether) to squeeze your vendors for donations to your organization.

  • A board member is recommending a job candidate I don’t like! – 0:00
  • Advocacy and lobbying tips (and corrections) with Guest Expert April Mastroluca – 5:43
  • Should we ask our vendors to donate, too? – 19:56

Board Member Wants the ED to Record a Political Campaign Message

It’s bad board member behavior week here at the Nonprofit Everything podcast! What should we do if a board member wants our ED to record a message talking about what a great board member they are (and oh, by the way, they’re running for office)? And how do you talk a board member out of their own program ideas? We have opinions! Also, Stacey and Andy talk about whether to market to constituents or donors first.

  • Should an ED record a campaign ad for a board member running for office? – 0:00
  • Help! A board member is fixated on starting a new program! – 8:57
  • Should we be marketing to constituents or donors? – 17:40

Preserving Culture During Expansion

hould we follow up with a potential board member who expressed interest and then vanished? Stacey has opinions! Also, this week we talk about managing third-party fundraisers, whether there are any benefits to not paying down debt, and how to maintain an awesome work culture during a big expansion.

  • Should we follow up with a board member who expressed interest and then vanished? – [skipto time="0:00"]
  • What should we do if people want to host fundraisers for us? – [skipto time="4:51"]
  • Is there a tax benefit to carrying debt? – [skipto time="12:25"]
  • How do we preserve our great company culture when we’re expanding? – [skipto time="20:01"]

Save the Date! The Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits 2021 Conference will be held at The Center on October 14-15 in Las Vegas. Click for more information or to register!