Why even be a nonprofit?

Isn’t it a huge waste of effort to be a nonprofit once you consider the compliance, reporting and donor rules? For an organization just starting out, couldn’t we serve our mission more efficiently if we didn’t have to bother with all that? Stacey and Andy definitely have some thoughts on this! Also this week, we talk about whether Event Planners are important when designing a fundraising event, and find out how to deal with a board member who has gone MIA. Thanks for joining us this week, and don’t forget to send your questions to questions@NonprofitEverything.com.

Hiring a First Development Director

After starting a brand new nonprofit and filing the paperwork, what’s next? Stacey and Andy will get you pointed in the right direction. Also this week, we talk about things to think about when hiring your first ever development professional, and whether or not it is appropriate to have a staff member also serve on the organization’s board. Thanks for joining us this week, and please don’t forget to send your questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com!

Nonprofit Everything - Episode 144 - Who Gets the Credit Card Points?

Who Gets the Credit Card Points?

It’s podcast day! Why on earth would an organization use the longer, more expensive, more complicated, more time consuming Form 1023 to form a new nonprofit organization when the 1023-EZ is available? We have a few thoughts. Also this week, Stacey has some great tips to help you fundraise for a vehicle, and Andy wants you to re-think credit cards that earn points (probably a hard sell.) Thanks for joining us, and don’t forget to rate the podcast on your provider of choice and send us questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com!