Hiring a First Development Director

After starting a brand new nonprofit and filing the paperwork, what’s next? Stacey and Andy will get you pointed in the right direction. Also this week, we talk about things to think about when hiring your first ever development professional, and whether or not it is appropriate to have a staff member also serve on the organization’s board. Thanks for joining us this week, and please don’t forget to send your questions to questions@nonprofiteverything.com!

A Board with a Budget Deficit

A jam-packed episode! This week we explore whether the the Executive Director should be present for the board retreat, how to manage a grumpy finance committee when the financials are never ready, and if a non-compete agreement is an appropriate tool to use to keep you development director from fleeing. Finally, should you be wary of joining the board of an organization that runs a budget deficit? Stacey and Andy have opinions!

  • Should the Executive Director attend the board retreat? – 0:00
  • Help! We can’t get the books closed before the finance committee meeting! – 9:48
  • Should we make our new Development Director sign a non-compete agreement? – 19:04
  • Should I join the board of an organization that runs a budget deficit? – 26:13
Episode Sponsor:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Immunize Nevada. Arm yourself by getting your annual flu vaccine. It protects you, your family, and those working on the front lines. Do your part. Get your flu vaccine by Nevada Day. Visit nvflufighter.org for more information and to find free and low-cost clinics.

Stickiness and Friction

Should you hire a development director or grant writer first? Or is that even the right question? Stacey knows. Also, we discuss great year-end reflection activities, and bring back our guest Greg Wilken of Endunamo Consulting, who tells us we were way too soft on the ED and Board Member relationship question.